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Rainwater Harvesting Overview

Over the last century, impervious surfaces like concrete, asphalt and roofing materials have been diverting natural rainwater absorption from developed areas and has begun depletion of the local underground aquifers. By capturing as much rainfall as possible from buildings and structures, we can use that water to irrigate landscaping during dry times and prevent erosion during times of high precipitation. By using rainwater for washing laundry, flushing toilets and pressure washing houses and vehicles, we can further contribute to water conservation by limiting the use of drinking water and reducing the energy used to pump that water from the municipal supply. The combination of these effects can greatly contribute to the conservation of our most precious natural resource - water.


Library of System Designs
 RainHarvest Systems Library of Rainwater System Designs


If you're looking for a quick-start and would prefer to just browse through our drawings, our Library of Rainwater Collection System Designs is the perfect place to start. In our library you'll find our most popular systems ranging from residential to commercial, above ground and below ground, and from plastic to fiberglass and corrugated steel rainwater harvesting systems. You can download your system design in either PDF or DWG (CAD) formats and we'll be happy to help you customize the system to your needs. Just give us a call at 800-654-WATER (9283).






Data Sheets

RainFlo Above Ground Plastic Tanks
RainFlo Complete Preconfigured Above Ground Systems

Industry Solutions
Installation Instructions
User Manuals
Getting Started Guides



A Rain Harvest Masters Thesis by Bill Hicks, P.E.

Texas Rainwater Harvesting Manual
American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association
Rain Harvesting in 10 steps- By RainHarvesting


State of Rainwater Harvesting In The US by Tammie Stark and Doug Pushard


These events have proven, year after year, to be successful in gathering professionals, from a variety of industries, and leading the conversations that ultimately facilitate countless design innovations and improvements. If you're networking at one of these shows, be sure to stop by our booth to improve your knowledge about the simplicity of rain harvesting!
Show Name: Dates: Location:
ASPE 2026 Booth 1726 October 12-13, 2026 Oklahoma City, OK
ASPE Convention & Expo
ASPE’s Convention & Expo is the only industry event designed to showcase innovations in plumbing system design—where attendees can learn about the latest plumbing products, services, and design techniques.

An Introduction to Water Meters
The Aquatel Wireless Tank Level Monitor
Commercial Fiberglass Rainwater Collection Systems
Flow Inducer Industrial Rainwater Pump Stations
The Graf Carat Tank
The Optimax Industrial Commercial Rainwater Pre-Filter


State Rainwater Harvesting Laws and Legislation - National Conference of State Legislatures
Atlanta Potable Rainwater Catchment Ordinance
Bellingham, WA Rainwater Harvesting Manual
California AB-1750 Rainwater Capture Act of 2012
California Adopts IAPMO-based Uniform Plumbing Code for Rainwater and Greywater(01/29/2013)
HarvestH2o List of Statutes and Regulations

Implementing Green Infrastructure in Atlanta
Rainwater Code Updates
Colorado Rainwater Code Update
Cistern Code In Virginia
Virginia Department of Health Rainwater Update


DSIRE: Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency


Guidance on Use of Rainwater Tanks- from the Australian Government
Rainwater Plumbing Guide- from the South Australian Government
Rainwater Beer: A Case Study- by RainHarvest Systems
Rainwater System Pump Selection- by RainHarvest Systems
Future Trends: How to Live Sustainably- Vanderbilt University
Recommendations for Designing Rain Harvesting Systems- by the Roofwater Harvesting Research Group
Air Conditioning Condensate Harvesting- by Phil Weynand, San Antonio Water System
Harvesting Rainwater for Landscape Use- Patricia Waterfall, Univ. of Arizona
Alaska Domestic Water Storage Tanks- Univ. of Alaska at Fairbanks Extension
Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Montana- Montana State University Extension




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