Builder's Greywater Guide by Art Ludwig

Builder's Greywater Guide by Art Ludwig
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Installation of Greywater Systems in New Construction and Remodeling

Includes text of new greywater law

A supplement to the book "Create an Oasis with Greywater"

By Art Ludwig

ISBN 0-9643433-2-0

Our Price$19.95
List Price $24.00
Weight 1

Summary: The Builder's Greywater Guide will help building professionals or homeowners work within or around building codes to successfully include greywater systems in new construction or remodeling in the US. Includes information on treatment effectiveness, sample codes, and permit submissions.

NOTE: The New Create an Oasis with Grey Water (book) is required in order to use the Builder's Guide. If you don't have Create an Oasis already, you'll want to order it.

Author: Art Ludwig. Oasis Design, 1995-2006. 8.5 x11, 54 pages, 8 figures. ISBN 0964343320

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